Jennifer and Laurence are an adventurous couple who enjoys sailing and traveling. They started sailing out of interest. The lack of sailing classes due to COVID-19 did not stop them from doing what they want to do, and they taught themselves how to sail. Sometimes, we all need to have more faith in ourselves and not let the obstacles of life get in our way of pursuing our passions. In this interview, they talked about the challenges they have faced during the process and how they overcome the challenges.
Wantdo: First of all, please introduce yourself briefly.
Jennifer and Laurence: We are Laurence and Jennifer Jones, also known as @sailingsomewhere on Instagram.
Wantdo: What are 3 things you are most passionate about?
Jennifer and Laurence: We are passionate about sailing, traveling, and all outdoor activities.
Wantdo: What’s an exciting thing going on in life right now?
Jennifer and Laurence: The most exciting thing we have going on in life right now is the adventure of learning how to sail and the challenges that come with it.
Wantdo: Is there anything missing in life right now?
Jennifer and Laurence: The main thing missing from our lives right now is the ability to travel and enjoy many of our favorite outdoor activities.
Wantdo: What is your favorite outdoor activity and where is your favorite place to go outdoors?
Jennifer and Laurence: Our favorite outdoor location is the Olympic National Park, It offers everything we love, whether it be high snow-covered mountain trails or the deep blue waters of lake crescent.
Wantdo: Name your favorite piece of Wantdo clothing you purchased and why.
Jennifer and Laurence: Our current favorite is the waterproof packable hiking rain jacket that we use for both sailing and hiking.
Wantdo: Did you make some memorable moments when wearing the item?
Jennifer and Laurence: The most memorable moment is wearing the jackets for the first time when we started sailing and continuing to wear them almost every time we sail. It is memorable because it started the current obsession we have for sailing and the lifestyle that brings.
Wantdo: Could you tell us how you got into sailing and why do you love it?
Jennifer and Laurence: Originally we got into sailing from being inspired by a combination of family and seeing the lifestyle on YouTube.
Wantdo: Would you give us an example of the challenges you faced while sailing and tell us how you overcame that challenge?
Jennifer and Laurence: As for the challenges that we encountered, we had to teach ourselves how to sail without any previous experience due to all classes being closes due to COVID-19. We overcame those challenges through trial and error. Even though there were a lot of errors, we were still able to become competent at sailing. We are already looking into upgrading to something bigger. I currently have the same photos that you might have already seen since our boat is small and taking photos can sometimes be difficult while sailing.
Jennifer's Favorite Packable Hiking Rain Jacket
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